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Use these teaching strategies and user-based information to further your teaching skills in the classroom. Included here are research-based teaching strategies and advice to draw out the potential and leadership qualities in your students.


Use these strategies in your classroom:

Language Experience Approach

In all forms of LEA, the central principle is to use the student's own vocabulary, language patterns, and background of experiences to create reading texts, making reading an especially meaningful and enjoyable process.

Antcipation Guide

The Anticipation Guides is a pre-reading strategy used to develop student interest in the subject matter.  It’s a great way to motivate students and actively engage them in their own learning.

Using Fortune Tellers to Teach Skills

Kids LOVE paper fortune tellers! My students play with them all the time. Then I started thinking "how could I use that in English Language Arts?"  They would be perfect for understanding root words, suffixes and prefixes.

Exit Cards

How do you know what your students know? This is a nice teaching strategy that will help in assessing what students have learned, while providing for an organized class dismissal.

Collaborative Annotations

- This is a technique that is used after students have already completed their own individual annotations on a poem or prose passage; it is a great strategy to stimulate a small or large group discussion that engages and honors different perspectives on the same text.

Using Learning Logs Instructional Strategy

As a daily metacognitive tool, you can use leaning logs in many, many different formats. Perhaps the most used is a very basic journal technique.

Think Pair Share

If you have taught for any length of time, you have probably already heard of or used Think-Pair-Share in your teaching. This strategy is used consistently among professional development presenters because it involves using your metacognitive thinking skills.


Technology Resources

Best iPad Apps for the Classroom

If your students have access to iPads, these are some of the best apps students should use on a daily basis to increase learning and organization.


Straight Talk

What are some of the best teachers doing to increase learning in their students?

What’s Your Philosophy of Teaching

Stopping to really think about how you view student success is vital to becoming the best you can be as a teacher. Read this article to help formulate your thinking.

Does Teacher Collaboration in Schools Really Work?

Spending quality time collaborating is important, but if your professional learning team isn’t quite focused properly, you might be losing out on valuable

planning time during the school day.

Leader with Moral Values-Abraham Lincoln

Let’s face it, we all love Lincoln. Why? What qualities does he have that can be passed onto we teachers and our students?

Five Ways to Free a Child’s Potential

We all have students who we feel do not apply themselves or could do better if given a push in the right direction. Here you will find 5 great ways to encourage your students to be the best that they can be.

The Importance of Journaling in Your Classroom

The benefits of journaling are often overlooked by many teachers. Why?


Web Resources

FIVE Most-usable Teacher Websites

Searching through stacks of websites can be overwhelming, here we outline 5 of the most-usable websites ready for you to use today.

