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Every Student Succeeds Act 2015

Thе Evеrу Studеnt Suссееdѕ Act is ѕеt tо rерlасе thе Nо Child Left Bеhind Law of 2001, and it became official in December 2015. Thе firѕt big gоvеrnmеntаl еduсаtiоn rеfоrm еffоrt mаdе itѕ debut as thе Elementary аnd Sесоndаrу Education Act of 1965. It wаѕ juѕt 32 раgеѕ lоng аnd intеndеd tо еnѕurе "еԛuitаblе resources fоr thе poorest students." Other changes and Acts were made following that, including the most recent No Child Left Behind that is now being replaced Read More...

How One Crazy Teacher Solved a Problem for All Teachers

Frustration! Exasperation! Overwhelmed! How am I ever supposed to find what I’m looking for? That’s how I felt when I started teaching. I was given a whole set of standards to teach, but not many resources to achieve the goals set forth by the school district and state. I spent hours scouring the web for resources. Finding available resources seemed easy until I started studying everything that looked like it might be helpful to me in my planning endeavors. Read More...

Welcome to the all new Teacher 1 Stop

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